Thursday, October 18, 2007

The "Do"

Andrew had pictures at school yesterday. He is great at posing too. This pic is for the fam in Utah that haven't seen the short "do" yet. The morning went relatively smooth compared to most mornings. I got to do the hair and he chose the shirt. Usually it's a battle of the hair. He usually wins. Jon keeps telling me to "pick my battles." I'm still not ready to give this one up.
The kids ready to head to school.
If any of you know Charlie, you know of his obsession with halloween. He wore this mask all day. Still very obsessed.


Amanda said...

Oh Charlie hes so funny with Halloween.

Linde said...

That is a battle I always fight too! But Andrew always looks so cute! Love the mask too!

Carol said...

Your lucky you got a fresh clean hair cut for picture day. I have a feeling I won't even want Nathans this year. (that's so bad to say...but his hair is SO bad)