Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sick of Being Sick

Have you ever had the feeling of having no control over your life? My life consists of trying to function around my constant feeling of extreme nausea and or puking. Pretty picture isn't it? GOOD TIMES!! Obviously I am prego as most of you know. About 3 months now. I hope I start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel soon, or my family is going to ask me to move out. The other day Mollie informed me that I had been in bed for days and she is sick of it. So am I. I have canker sores on my tongue from taking so many dissolving Zofran tablets. Trying to gag down pills doesn't work so good. Thanks for letting me vent. I have a good friend from Chi Omega and her sister, who I know well, her husband has a brain tumor. He has a website I have been following since he was diagnosed last September. It puts my situation in perspective. You should all take a look if you think you are having a bad day or are feeling sorry for yourself. It makes you realize how small your problems really are. He is amazing. His name is Rich Lloyd. He has the one of the best attitudes and insights to life I have ever heard of. The link is

Anywho, I had to post some of Charlie's t-ball pictures. It is hilarious to watch the kids play. He loves it.